
I Have Been Accused of a Cybercrime, Now What?

If you have been accused of an internet crime such as wire fraud or online harassment, you should hire a criminal defense lawyer.

These days, people use computers in all aspects of life. In fact, you have probably recently used a computer to comply with a law; perhaps you filed your taxes online or used the internet to pay a traffic ticket or renew your driver’s license. Of course, people also sometimes use computers to break the law. Cybercrime is not its own category of crime, like financial crime or violent crime; rather, the internet can play a role in a wide variety of criminal offenses. In situations where it is illegal to make false statements, it is illegal to make them in any format, including online. Likewise, you can face conspiracy charges if you use online communication with another person to commit or plan a crime. If you are facing criminal charges for an internet-related offense, contact an Atlanta criminal defense lawyer.

Which Criminal Charges Count as Cybercrime?

The label of cybercrime covers a wide variety of criminal offenses that involve online communication or the use of internet-enabled devices. The following are some examples of cybercrime:

It is possible to face severe criminal penalties for cybercrimes, even if you never met in person with the people with whom you were communicating. For example, computer trespass is a felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. If you get convicted of possession of child exploitative content or online solicitation of a minor, you will have to register as a sex offender, even if you never met the victim in person. In the case of possession of child exploitative material, the court can order you to pay restitution to the individuals whose abuse is depicted in the images or videos, pursuant to the Amy, Vicky, and Andy Child Pornography Victim Assistance Act of 2018, even if the content was filmed long ago and the victims have since reached adulthood.

What to Do if You Are Accused of Cybercrime

If you are accused of a cybercrime, you have the same rights as any defendant in a criminal case. For example, the police can only search your computer or cell phone if you consent to the search or if they obtain a search warrant from the court. Likewise, you are innocent until proven guilty. You can be acquitted of the charges if you can show reasonable doubt about whether the illegal online actions are attributable to you or whether your online actions fit the definition of the crime of which you are being accused.

Contact Zimmerman & Associates About Cybercrime Cases in Georgia

An Atlanta criminal defense attorney can help you if you are being accused of a cybercrime.  Contact Zimmerman & Associates in Norcross, Georgia to set up a free consultation.